2201 Eight Club Sedan. Juha T (FIN)
2201 Eight Sedan. Petteri B (FIN)
2202 Super Eight Sedan. Jan G (S)
2206 Custom Eight Sedan. Kristina I (S)
2206 Custom Eight Sedan. Aarni E (FIN)
2211 DeLuxe Eight Sedan. Hans B (FIN)
2211 DeLuxe Eight Sedan. Michael B (DK)
2222.Super Eight Sedan. Ola P (S)
2232 Super Eight Convertible Victoria. Bjørn N (N)
2232 Super Eight Convertible Victoria. Jorma T (FIN)
2232 Super Eight Convertible Victoria. Jan-Ludvwig L (S)
2201 Custom Eight Convertible. Juha T. (FIN)
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