PACKARD MOTOR CAR COMPANY produced quality cars between 1899 and 1958. The brand had its heyday during the interwar years, when it was a leader in the American luxury car market. A Packard was not just any car but a vehicle that had high quality and status in the automotive world and the slogan that followed the brand throughout the years was: *"Ask the man who owns one...!"
PMCC has also manufactured marine and aircraft engines and has held its own both in competition and in the US Army.
NORDIC PACKARD OWNERS CLUB was founded in 1971 to gather Nordic Packard owners in a community and also increase knowledge and understanding of the brand. The purpose of the club was and is also for members to meet and socialize with their families and Packard cars in social and pleasant forms. The club also wants to facilitate the ownership and use of Packards through help with spare parts procurement, technical advice and tips, etc. Over the years, the club has steadily grown and gathered at its 50th anniversary approx. 310 members with about 360 Packard cars. Since ownership within the club is spread over a large number of different model years, there is a broad knowledge base for those who are new Packard owners and need tips and advice with their Packard car.
The club is composed of working groups consisting of three to four people in each respective Nordic country and an inter-Nordic group, which has certain overall tasks, such as managing spare parts stocks, technical information, selling club articles and publishing a club magazine.
NPOC also has a large network of contacts in the U.S. that helps to track down and produce spare parts that are difficult to find in the Nordic region.
NPOC Bulletin is published four times a year. The 24-page club magazine references what has happened within the club, among the members and their cars. It also contains technical articles and a summary in Finnish for our Finnish members. Every year, a register is published where the cars are also listed in order of age in a list of wagons.
A large Packard meeting, combined with an annual meeting, is held every year, where the hosting takes place between the four Nordic countries. In addition, a number of local activities are arranged around the Nordic region.
Since the club wants to promote interest and acquisition of cars of this fine make, possession of a Packard car is not required; -If you are interested in Packards, you should of course join NPOC and get part of the community!